How much does YourPDX testing cost?

Fees are dependent upon the number of treatment options tested. Certis will work directly with the YourPDX testing participant or other financially responsible person to put in place a Patient Services Agreement, which will detail fees. Standard fees are as follows:

  • Phase One – Study Initiation: The standard fee is $10,000, which includes next-generation sequencing (NGS) on the primary tumor tissue. If engraftment is not successful and the Initiation Study fails, we cannot issue a refund.
  • Phase Two – Pharmacology Study: Fees are based on the number of treatment options included in the study design.

Each study requires one control arm (this is the group of untreated mice required to compare tumor response): $7,500. Each therapy or combination therapy to be tested represents one arm. For each study arm, we enroll five fully tumored mice to ensure reliable data. The fee is $7,500 per arm. A drug recovery fee may be assessed for test agents that cost over $250 per arm.

EXAMPLE: An individual elects to test four different treatment options.

  • Phase One: Initiation: $10,000
  • Phase Two: Pharmacology With Four Tested Treatment Options: $7,500 x 4 ($30,000) + $7,500 (control arm) = $37,500

Total: $47,500