How do I search the BarneyOI Cancer Model Database?

Just use the convenient search and filter functions. The BarneyOI Cancer Model Database is one central, intuitive, responsive online interface that is easy to navigate to find the right PDX model for your preclinical investigation. With BarneyOI, you can:

Fine-tune your custom keyword search with easy-to-use preset filters

  • Drill down deep into genomic profiles using additive gene filters
  • Easily compare gene expression results to matched disease-free tissue
  • Obtain a detailed model profile of patient and tumor model characteristics
  • View interactive graphical representations of model sets
  • Export and share your selected analysis

With the BarneyOI Cancer Model Database, you can easily search and select in vivo (orthotopic models and subcutaneous mouse models) and in vitro (3D cell cultures and cell line-derived xenograft) CDX models from the Certis tumor bank. You’ll find robust characterization data that faithfully represent each model’s unique genetic and biologic features. Watch this comprehensive video tutorial to learn how to take full advantage of the enhanced search functionality of our database.